Sunday, March 26, 2006

Maybe I'll Move to Zooomr

I'm not really unhappy with Flickr. Sure, they're big and slow (on a modem) and a little ugly, but it works and it's pretty slick, and I've got quite a few photos there. But when along comes this neat alternative called Zooomr that looks nicer, provides more better features (like geotagging, for one), and gives you more upload space and fewer restrictions for the same low price, what is one to do, eh?

Oh, the agony of decisions. So many things to consider. I've got a couple dozen photos I'll have to re-upload! I just got first Flickr comments today! Flickr lets me photoblog! I'm an Old Skool user, I don't use a stinkin' Yahoo ID! (Ha!) But Zooomr is cooler. Geotagging. And it looks nicer. But it has stinky numeric user URLs. [Edit: But you can change them! In your account settings. Thanks Kris.] And no upload clients yet.

Blasted Decisions.


The One True Stickman said...

Now that's what I call service. It's not every day that one posts about something on a blog virtually nobody reads and get a note from that something's creator the next day. :)

Anyway, I totally overlooked the change URL link in the account settings, my bad. I saw it, but it wasn't immediately obvious as to what it did and my brain didn't put two and two together. I've updated my post to be factual, as well.

You're welcome for the mention, and after this I think I'll be migrating over soon. Zooomr's pretty darn cool and I'm looking to those new innovations. :)


The One True Stickman said...

Sweet, I already use jUploadr for Flickr. The only drawback is I'm on Linux. Definitely migrating to Zooomr this week. :)